Scientists Found Pyramid
In ancient times, there must have been some advanced and modern civilization on earth. Till now we have presented many evidences of this in our previous Blogs. Whether you believe it or not, there actually used to be a lost civilization in Ancient Egypt which was quite advanced. We are not saying this just by looking at the pyramids and the temples built here, but seeing the cleanliness with which they have been built, you too will be forced to believe this. There are 5 to 10 crore stone blocks present throughout Egypt, with the help of which many structures have been built.
To make these structures, the stones have been cut in such a precise manner that it is difficult for even a human hair or blade to pass through them. That is, in ancient times people knew how to cut granite stones very carefully. In the structures built in Egypt, the stone work has been done so finely that it becomes difficult to differentiate between two blocks when seen. To detect a cut or gap between two blocks, one has to pay very close attention or an advanced camera is required. It is also difficult to differentiate from normal eyes. The Valley Temple is built near the Great Sphinx in Egypt. Amazing work of stone blocks can be seen there also.
Not many people pay attention to this site among the pyramids. But this is a particular site in itself. Rose granite has been used to build this temple and the weight of these stone blocks ranges from 30 to 50 tons. Polygon shaped granite pieces were connected to each other like a puzzle and that too thousands of years ago. You will not see any gap between these blocks also. That means, according to the shape of one block, the other block would have been cut. Another surprising thing is that these granite blocks were brought here from a distance of about 500 miles.
According to researchers, huge blocks might have been brought here with the help of boats in the Nile River. But if we consider the archaeological facts, then the boats used by the people of ancient Egypt could not bear the capacity of even five tons. In such a situation, it is a bit difficult to believe in carrying 50 ton blocks. All these things point only to one thing that in earlier times some technically advanced civilization existed in Egypt and only those people would have done the work of stone cutting in such a famous way.
Looking at these stone cuts, it seems as if laser technology might have been used. Blocks have been used not only in the structure but also in the flooring and you will see the same pattern in these floors too. That means zero gap between two blocks. Only a fine line can differentiate between two stones and this line is finer than a credit card. This line is not even visible from a few feet above. Instructors were created about 4500 years ago. Something similar can also be seen in the Temple of Hammer situated in the block of Price Cutting.
Even on the roof of this temple, work of stone blocks has been done. Bringing several tons of heavy blocks up to the roof and cutting them is no joke. Not only in the Valley Temple and the Temple of Hammer, but you will get to see such examples all over Egypt. Another excellent example of the level of perfection of the ancient Egyptians can also be seen in the Bent Pyramid of Egypt. This pyramid was kept hidden from tourists and researchers for a long time. There was a ban on even going here. This place was opened to the common people for the first time in the year 2019. There are many tunnels inside this pyramid.
The interior of the Bent Pyramid is also amazing. Here the limestone has been cut very precisely. The work has been done so meticulously that the difference between two or three blocks will not even be visible. Whoever built these pyramids must have wanted every work to be absolutely perfect. Even air or water cannot pass through these blocks. Like the pyramid would have been made air tight and water tight. But how could these ancient Egyptians have done all this work? Friends, till now many ancient tools have been found from Egypt and almost all the tools are made of bronze. Many chisels and hammers made of bronze can be seen in the Cairo Museum.
But can huge stone blocks really be cut with these small hand tools because apart from these, scientists and researchers have not been able to find any other technology or tools yet? It is taught in Egyptian books that their ancestors built huge buildings with small chisels and hammers. There is not a single carving, painting or drawing in the whole of Egypt that can reveal how so many structures were built. Therefore, only ideas can be put forward regarding the construction of structures. Some researchers had conducted an experiment to find out how much time would it take to cut a stone block with the help of bronze tools.
He made some tools similar to those used in ancient Egypt and started experimenting with limestone. But after using the hammer and chisel for some time, the tools got damaged. Got bent forward and got damaged. That is, not a single tool could work even for a day and this was only the case of the experiment done with limestone. When the same experiment was done with granite blocks, even more shocking results emerged. Even after being hit several times, nothing was damaged in the granite block. After live experiment, it cannot be denied that the people of ancient Egypt did not create all these structures with just bronze tools but they must have used some advanced technology for this.
But in the history books of Egyptian schools and museums it is still said that the cutting of stone blocks was done with simple tools only. Researchers conducted another experiment and this time they tried to cut stone blocks with a big saw. This saw was about 3 to 4 feet long, whereas no such big tool has been found in Egypt till now. The work of cutting a granite block was started with the help of a saw. Even after several days of hard work, only a few inches of the block were cut. This means that it will take many years to cut a single block. You can imagine how many blocks would have been cut to make all the structures in Egypt.
The Great Pyramid of Giza alone has more than 23 lakh blocks. It is said that it took 20 years to build it. According to this, the time taken to cut and install a stone block will be only 4 to 5 minutes and depending on the size of the block, this does not seem possible under any circumstances. There are more than 100 pyramids built all over Egypt and the size and structure of all of them is different and not only the structure but all the work from their flooring to the roof has been done with stone blocks. According to an estimate, about 5 to 10 crore stone blocks might have been cut by the ancient Egyptians.
It was then that so many structures would have been built. Many pyramids, temples, obelisks, statues, stone boxes, coffee and many other things can be seen in Egypt. Friends, all this happened in ancient times, in today’s time there is not even a single artifact structure or any stone block which would have been cut in such a precise manner. In modern times, despite all the advanced tools and technology, the task of cutting and transporting such huge stones is not easy. One thing is completely clear from this that the Ancient Egyptians had some such technology which completely disappeared with time. It is done.
Perhaps he knew laser technology or had some kind of powers or some people believe that he might have taken help from aliens in building all these structures. The alien theory is also heard in almost every corner of the world. Perhaps the secret of the technology with the help of which the stones were cut might be hidden in the depths of the Egyptian pyramids and in the future, scientists and archaeologists will definitely find out this secret one day. So friends, I hope you liked our today’s Blog.
What lost ancient technology do you think the ancient Egyptians might have had that would have helped them build such huge structures? Do tell us your thoughts in the comment section below and if you got to know or learn something new from this Blog or found it interesting, then please give this Blog a like and share it with your friends and family. And if you are new to this channel then please subscribe this channel and turn on the bell icon so that you do not miss our upcoming Blogs. See you again in a new Blog with a new topic, till then hello.
Anyway, see you again with the powerful explanation of the History.